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Job Details - Tutor

August 18, 2022
Management Communication
Fall - 2022
Professor Robert Wosnitzer
Graduate Student Writing Tutor
Janeece Roderick Lewis
1 Year MBA, Dual Degree, MBA Fulltime, Undergraduate
$18 - $27.50/hour

Graduate Student Writing Tutor, to advise first-year Stern undergraduates enrolled in required writing course, Commerce & Culture. Tutors will provide additional assistance to writers needing special attention in order to develop their writing and analysis toward the college-level. Weekly workload is dependent on student demand and need but will be no more than 20 hours a week, with availability especially important in the week before major papers are due.

Commerce & Culture serves as the required writing course for first-semester, first-year Stern undergraduates. The course explores representations of business in novels, short stories, plays, and films as a means to develop student writing and critical thinking skills. Student papers require close textual analysis and the ability to develop and support an analytical claim.

Provide in-person and/or remote, face-to-face, writing tutoring to first-year students enrolled in Stern NYU Commerce & Culture undergraduate course in fall 2022. Complete online reports after each session. Attend brief meetings to discuss the tutoring process to help improve the program.

Minimum Qualifications
Enrollment in or completion of graduate degree in a writing-intensive field, ideally with a BA/BS in a writing intensive field; Knowledge of effective analytical writing skills and effective revision skills; Prior experience with one-on-one tutoring experience preferred but not required; Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Expected time commitment is approximately 10-20 hours/week.

MBA Students
In order to work as a Teaching Fellow, Graduate Fellow, or Grader/Tutor, you must have completed 9 or more credits as a Stern MBA student, have a GPA of at least 3.0, and be enrolled in the semester which you plan to work. Full-time and Part-time regular employees of NYU are not eligible to hold Teaching Fellow or Graduate Fellow positions. Please note that once your application has been approved by the Teaching Assistance Center, your pay will not be amended due to an increase or decrease in the course enrollment.

Undergraduate Students
All undergraduate Teaching Fellows or Graders must be Stern juniors or seniors enrolled in the semester of appointment. There is a GPA requirement of at least 3.3. All students must have taken the course, its equivalent or have the professor's permission to apply. Compensation is dependent on enrollment, course credit load, and other factors. Please note that once an application has been approved by the Teaching Assistance Center, compensation cannot be amended due to an increase or decrease in the course enrollment.

Dual Degree Students
In order to work as a Teaching Fellow, Graduate Fellow, or Grader/Tutor, Stern Dual-Degree students must have completed 9 or more credits, have a GPA of at least 3.0, and be enrolled in the semester which they plan to work. All students must have taken the course or its equivalent and have approval from the department coordinator.

Professor Robert Wosnitzer,


In compliance with NYC's Pay Transparency Act, the salary range for graders and tutors are:
Undergraduate Student Grader/Tutor: $18/student for graders, $18/hour for tutors
Graduate and PhD Student Grader/Tutor: $28.25/student for graders, $28.25/hour for tutors (effective 9/1/2023)