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Job Details - Teaching Fellow

January 26, 2023
Teaching Fellow
Management and Organizations
Spring - 2023
Anne Weisberg / Ripa Rashid
Inclusive Leadership
Mary-Grace Tomecki
1 Year MBA, Dual Degree, EMBA, Langone, MBA Fulltime, PhD (Stern)
INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP: TEACHING FELLOW JOB DESCRIPTION Inclusive Leadership is a class designed to have students become more aware of the dynamics affecting diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, and develop their own inclusive leadership style. In furtherance of these goals, the Inclusive Leadership class is very interactive and class participation is 40% of the grade. We divide students into Learning Pods of 5 students, so they can have more intimate, engaging conversations. The rest of the grade is based on two short writing assignments. The teaching fellow’s main role is to help Professors Ripa Rashid and Anne Weisberg run the course, including managing the Learning Pods and the course’s Brightspace site. In particular, the teaching fellow should: 1. Record classroom participation – who is speaking and summarize their main points; 2. Record class attendance 3. Help with ensuring guest speakers have what they need 4. Administer the class website, including communicating information to the class as needed, uploading readings and other materials, and checking that students are meeting deadlines. The class is from 6-9pm every Monday from April 3-May 8, 2023, so the teaching fellow needs to be able to attend all the classes. Assuming an hour to put notes together after class, and 1-2 hours of administrative tasks/week to prepare for class, the total commitment is roughly 6 hours/week. Professors Rashid and Weisberg will be responsible for all the grading of writing assignments and determining final grades.
Anne Weisberg,


Teaching Fellows (Undergraduate and MBA students) and Graduate Fellows (MBA students):
In compliance with NYC's Pay Transparency Act, the undergraduate hourly rate is $17.85 and the graduate hourly rate is $28.25. Please see the following websites for more information:

Teaching Fellows/Course Assistants (non-MBA graduate students) and Graduate Fellows (non-MBA graduate students):
In compliance with NYC's Pay Transparency Act, the hourly rate of $28.25 is based on the collective bargaining agreement with Local 2110. Please see the following websites for more information: