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Job Details - Teaching Fellow

April 14, 2021
Teaching Fellow
TOPS - Information Systems
Summer2 - 2020
Roger Stein
Data Science for Business
Ryan Chiew
Langone, MBA Fulltime
TF position available for Professor Roger Stein's Summer 2021 Graduate course: TECH-GB.2336.F2 - Data Science for Business. Students who have previously taken this class may apply. TF responsibilities include grading homework and exams, holding office hours, assisting students with programming assignments in python, and helping to proctor exams. To apply, please send a cover letter with a brief description of your experience (please include your TF experience as well as courses taken, instructors, and final grades) and a CV to Professor Roger Stein ( Please cc Ryan Chiew (
Roger Stein ,


Teaching Fellows (Undergraduate and MBA students) and Graduate Fellows (MBA students):
In compliance with NYC's Pay Transparency Act, the undergraduate hourly rate is $17.85 and the graduate hourly rate is $28.25. Please see the following websites for more information:

Teaching Fellows/Course Assistants (non-MBA graduate students) and Graduate Fellows (non-MBA graduate students):
In compliance with NYC's Pay Transparency Act, the hourly rate of $28.25 is based on the collective bargaining agreement with Local 2110. Please see the following websites for more information: