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Job Details - Teaching Fellow

May 10, 2022
Teaching Fellow
NYU Stern - NYU Shanghai Programs
Summer2 - 2022
Ari Ginsberg
The Entrepreneurial Mind
SHBI-GB 7325
Nina Wineburgh
MBA Fulltime, MS (Stern), Undergraduate
This course for the new MS Organization Management & Strategy program is scheduled from 9am-noon on the following dates: July 14, 15, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, August 3,4,5, 10, and 11. It is designed to provide a broad survey of concepts and skills that will benefit aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as students who want to work in a startup, develop new businesses, products, services or processes inside a more mature organization, or invest in, or consult, to new ventures. Topics covered include: entrepreneurship as a career option, characteristics of successful startups and entrepreneurs; techniques for generating, identifying, and evaluating new venture opportunities, assembling and managing start-up teams, raising startup capital, protecting intellectual property, and learning how to pitch a new venture idea. These topics are covered through a combination of lectures, case discussions and in-class exercises that cover a variety of early stage company contexts, including those in established corporations and industry sectors as well as those in emerging industry sectors. The TAship involves in sitting in on classes to monitor student attendance and participation and requires a commitment of an average of 10 hrs per week (because of grading responsibilities). Preferred qualifications: Stern MBA program student with start-up or new venture planning experience.,


Teaching Fellows (Undergraduate and MBA students) and Graduate Fellows (MBA students):
In compliance with NYC's Pay Transparency Act, the undergraduate hourly rate is $17.85 and the graduate hourly rate is $28.25. Please see the following websites for more information:

Teaching Fellows/Course Assistants (non-MBA graduate students) and Graduate Fellows (non-MBA graduate students):
In compliance with NYC's Pay Transparency Act, the hourly rate of $28.25 is based on the collective bargaining agreement with Local 2110. Please see the following websites for more information: